Hey everyone! My first week in Valencia was a great start. Other than losing one of my bags on the flight over (I got it later), everything has gone really well. After getting to the airport, I took a taxi with a girl I had met on the plane from Madrid to Valencia, Melissa, so we saved some money by going together. I got to my apartment and my madre (mother) Lola was getting to the door just as I arrived. We exchanged besitos (little kisses on the cheek) and then she showed me up. The apartment is nice, I'll have to get pictures up later. I met my roommate and began unpacking and then just rested, as I was exhausted from the flight. The next day we had orientation stuff and I met up with a couple of people that I knew, then met new people and the next day some of us walked around the city, mainly to find cell phones, but also to check things out. Here are some pictures!

This is my rommate in front of one of the bridges over the river. It's not really a river, but they call it that becuase it used to be one before they changed its course. Now it's a nice park.

Here is a nice park near my apartment with some cool art and weird leaning trees.

Looks a bit like Italy, eh?

Here are a couple of pictures of the beautiful old city after a night out.

This is a picture of us while a metro was going by, just an example of traveling around the city. (It's a pretty big city).

A friend and my roommate on the beach. We visited and it wasn't quite hot, but I'm willing to bet that it's warmer here than it is where you are.

We also started class last Thursday, but Monday was a holiday and I don't have class on Friday so the weekend was long for me. I mainly spent it going out and checking out the city. I did something to my back and strained it (i'm not sure what happened) and that hurt for a while, but now it's better. I couldn't go out of the house at all on Sunday though, I was spralled out on the couch while my madre took care of me. Speaking of Lola, she cooks really well. We've had tortilla española (not torta, Lisa), paella with chicken, which was amazing, and other good stuff.
Last night we went to a Flamenco concert, which was good although it was only a guy dancing, and I think it's much more impressive when a girl dances. I don't have pictures of that yet, but will soon.
Anyway I think that's a lot for one post, thanks for being patient while I settled in! Hopefully my posts will be more frequent in the future. Love and miss everyone! Hasta luego!