Hi everyone! This Saturday we took an organized trip to a small town called Sagunto, just a few minutes north of Valencia. It was pretty interesting, there were lots of Roman ruins, of which I've seen many, and these were pretty well preserved. A castle spanned the entire top of the hill above the town, and from the top there were great views of the sea and the mountains with snow in the distance. Here are some pictures!

This was an ancient theater, but they've modernized it so the people can actually come and see classical plays.

After we got back, someone had a great idea to go buy some big bars of chocolate and eat the whole thing. Good idea! I got a picture of eating it on the bench.

I slept a little late on Sunday, then headed out to a modern art museum, then some of us just walked around the city to check out a side we hadn't seen before. It's such a big city and there is so much to explore! That's about it, I hope to post again soon!
P.S. I'm not sure what is wrong with the pictures on my blog right now, hopefully that will be fixed soon.
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