It's official!
I received my plane tickets for Valenica, Spain yesterday and I'll be heading out on January 14th for 4 months of studying towards my degree in Spanish. Hopefully this blog will keep you all up to date on my goings on just like in Siena. This trip will be more study-intensive, however, but I still plan to travel and show you all some exciting times in Spain and the rest of Europe. The title of my blog is 'Os Voy a Mostrar', which literally means 'I'm going to show you all.' Hopefully I can incorporate a lot of spanish language and culture into my blog to give everyone more of a feeling of what I'm doing while in Spain. 4 months without English-I hope I can do it! Hopefully this blog will be as successful as I think the Italy blog was. Hasta la vista! (some of you know what that means, right?)

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